Saturday, June 1, 2013

Ejemplo de Portada para el Paquete I-751, Removiendo Residencia Condicional.

DATE: (Fecha)


(Escriba aqui La Direccion Correspondiente)


Nombre del Inmigrante

Dear USCIS examiner:

Enclosed please find a I-751 petition for removal of conditions of permanent resident status regarding my husband/wife, (nombre del beneficiario). Please also find a check for $(Ponga la cuota actual para esta forma), the fee for this form. We are all happily living together and request that this petition be accepted for removal of conditions on the residence of my husband/wife (nombre del beneficiario).

Enclosed also please find the following documents to verify the status of our marriage and ongoing relationship:

(Este es una lista de ejemplos de pruebas de que el matrimonio es legitimo y de buena fe, cambie o altere la lista de acuerdo a los documentos que usted madara).

Copies of the passports and green card of (Nombre del beneficiario).
Three sworn affidavits by U.S. citizen friends, attesting to our relationship and marriage.
Copy of the tax statement for 2011 and 2010, which we received for our checking account at FirstSavings Bank.
A partial copy of our 2011 joint US tax return.
Letter from my company of the designation of my life insurance to (Nombre del beneficiario).
Copies of various car insurance notices.
Copy of the title of our car, showing joint ownership.
Copy of our visa cards showing a joint account.
Copy of our health insurance cards showing a joint policy.
Copy of our Sam's Club cards on a joint account.
A copy of our airline reservations for a vacation that we have planned in September of 2013.

You may feel free to inquire at any of the sources of enclosed documentation for validity of their statements, and you are always welcome to visit our home should you ever desire to do so. Please advise me if you have any further questions or problems related to this petition.


Firma del Peticionario/a


  1. estoy en ese proceso please una consulta en la direccion correspondiente tiene que ser una direccion del uscis ola direccion en donde vivimos gracias por su blogs.

  2. Buenas tardes ! Queria saber la copia de cuantos meses de billes se necesita adjuntar a la peticion y si se puede o se debe incluir fotos ?

  3. Toda esta lista con la información que contiene, debe de ir escrita en el sobre del envío por fuera?, o es una hoja que irá por dentro del paquete?, gracias
